Dark-Sins, Enemies & Lovers

Dark-Sins, Enemies & Lovers
Dark-Sins, Enemies & Lovers
Natalie Brolack & Kathilee Riley

A Russian secret agent was given 3 rules:
1. Don’t leave New York without the “Ledger.”.
2. Never reveal your true identity.
3. Do not fall in love.
His goals, find the mysterious ledger and avenge his parents’ murder.
After saving a reporter’s life, he discovered rules 2 and 3 are a huge problem.


About the Author

Kathilee Riley grew up in Florida and spent half of her time hating the beach and the other half daydreaming while in the sand. She’s dabbled in plenty different veins of study including sociology and classic literature, but her love of steamy, forbidden romance with sassy heroines has been constant. Kathilee went from reading to writing so she could create her own worlds where love and passion bring people together, no matter their age or their differences.