The Late Tenant

The Late Tenant


(4 Reviews)
The Late Tenant by Louis Tracy







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The Late Tenant


(4 Reviews)
Yet another thrilling story by this British writer and journalist.

Book Excerpt

hat the odor carried with it a suggestion of death; his muscles grew taut, ready to fight, to defend himself against this world or the next.

The next instant he smiled, thinking: "Nonsense! It must have been here before. Each time I came in I was smoking; the air is frosty, too."

He groped inward for the switch, turned on the light, and, without deigning to give another thought to the smell of violets, turned to the left along the main corridor, which was rectangular to the entrance-hall. Passing the drawing-room door, he entered the dining-room. Opposite the latter was the kitchen and servants' apartments. Around the other end of the main corridor were disposed three bed-rooms and a bath-room. The light he had turned on illuminated entrance and corridor alike.

In the dining-room he found the fire still burning. That was good. The coal-scuttle was not by the fireplace, but in a corner. He went to get a shovelful of coal; and as he stooped, again came to him the fragrance, thrilling, bring


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I loved it. You have a great hero, and a cunning villain. The story sometimes took you down a rabbit hole, but it was worth reading; it actually kept my interest.
Melodrama, pure and simple. The upright man from the West, the rich and cunning seducer, the lovely maiden. Tracy has done much better work.
In this romantic mystery David Harcourt, a young hero from Wyoming, tries to unravel the mystery of the suicide of a 'fallen' woman. In trying to find out if she was really an unwed mother or if she was married, he hopes to -not only solve the mystery- but also win the heart of her beautiful sister Violet. But before David can hold her in his arms he first has to deal with: a ghost (or is it?), a villain, an actress, a lying servant, a not-so-clever mother who wants her daughter to marry a rich man, and a lot of misunderstandings between him and Violet. This book does not have a lot of big surprises in it, it's quite predictable, but it is a nice read. Recommended for anyone who loves a mystery or romantic story!
About as complex as a bowl of cornflakes BUT I loved it. Set in London with A ghost who leaves the scent of violets, a damsel in distress, and a handsome, clean-cut American hero. Plenty of action and lots of misunderstandings and near disasters. Enjoy!