About Manybooks

About Manybooks

ManyBooks was established in 2004 with the vision to provide an extensive library of books in digital format for free on the Internet. Many of the early eBooks are from the Project Gutenberg archives, which means you will be able to find a lot of classics on the site.

Over a decade later, we are still going strong in our mission to provide a valuable service to our readers. ManyBooks has grown into a platform where self-publishing authors have the opportunity to introduce their work to our community and new books are uploaded to our site daily - provided they comply to our quality standards.

In our daily newsletter, we keep our rapidly growing list of active subscribers up to date on the latest free and discounted eBooks that are available online. We always love to hear from our visitors, so if you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to contact our editor [email protected].

Catalina Du Bois - Captivating and Adventurous Romance Set in Egypt
FEATURED AUTHOR - Catalina Du Bois resides in the southwestern United States, where she finds inspiration from the enchanting landscapes of the desert. With a penchant for motorcycles, camping trips, and crafting romantic mysteries, Catalina is known for her candid and unfiltered writing style. Despite her reluctance to tout awards and accolades, Catalina's love for storytelling shines through in her works.