Air Service Boys Over the Rhine

Air Service Boys Over the Rhine
or Fighting Above The Clouds


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Air Service Boys Over the Rhine by Charles Amory Beach





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Air Service Boys Over the Rhine
or Fighting Above The Clouds


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Book Excerpt

"Shake!" he cried, and he and his chum and everybody else shook hands with every one whose palm they could reach. And there were resounding claps on the back, and wild dances around the green grass, even the French joining in No. not that word "even," for the French, with their exuberance of spirit, really started the joy-makmg.

To the brave men, who, with the British, had so long endured the brunt of the terrible blows of the Huns alone, the efforts of the United States of America meant much, though it was realized that it would be some time before Uncle Sam could make his blows really tell, even though an Expeditionary Force was already in the field.

"Say, this is the best news ever!" said Jack to Tom. when quiet, in a measure, had been restored, "It's immense!"

"You said something, old man! It's almost as good news as if you had come in and told me that you had downed a whole squadron of German aircraft."

"I wish I could, Tom. But we'll do our share. Shouldn't wonder, before the


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