A Little Book of Canadian Essays

A Little Book of Canadian Essays


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A Little Book of Canadian Essays by Lawrence J. Burpee





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A Little Book of Canadian Essays


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Essays on Canadian authors Isabella Valancy Crawford (1850-1887), Charles Heavysege (1816-1876), Archibald Lampman (1861-1899), George Thomas Lanigan (1845-1886), Catharine Parr Traill (1802-1899), John Hunter-Duvar (1821-1899), and George Frederick Cameron (1854-1885).

Book Excerpt

ul, possessed by Malzah, becomes an object of pity and terror. David is brought to him, and with his harp charms away his madness. Malzah is left for the time without occupation.

In the second part of the drama the personality of David gradually overshadows that of Saul, around whose unfortunate head the clouds of adversity, due to his own obstinacy and lack of faith, grow ever denser and more ominous. Ahinoam, Saul's gentle and devoted queen, brightens many otherwise gloomy scenes with her presence, and our vivacious friend Malzah flashes as a ray of evil sunshine across the darkening pages.

In another scene David is found at the Hebrew camp overlooking the valley of Elah. He meets and defeats Goliath, and the Hebrews, taking heart, drive the Philistines before them. Yet the double victory brings no comfort to the harassed Saul.

To hunt and to be hunted makes existence; (he soliloquizes) For we are all or chasers or the chased; And some weak, luckless wretches ever seem Flying b


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