New Perspectives in Wellness & Benefit Communications

New Perspectives in Wellness & Benefit Communications
Trends that will change everything, truths you should realize, and a communication plan of action you can follow today


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New Perspectives in Wellness & Benefit Communications by Shawn M. Connors







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New Perspectives in Wellness & Benefit Communications
Trends that will change everything, truths you should realize, and a communication plan of action you can follow today


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Read This eBook If You ...Believe effective communication is a blend of art and science...Think there must be some simple solutions for connecting with employees better...Sense communication could be the driver fueling employee satisfaction with benefits, and the critical element in improving participation in wellness programs...See that great tools for wellness, benefit programs and self-help go underused, and think there must be a better way to realize their full potential...Wonder how to get employees to read important information...Want a communication "plan of action" that is easy and simple to implement.

Book Excerpt

journals, and other media to guide us. The key word here is guide.

Self-care technologies will increasingly be adapted to a person's learning style, and customized to an individual's needs. Powerful videos, animation, and messaging will save readers time by getting right at the pressing health issue.

Also look for the adaptation of "recognition content" now used by organizations like Amazon® and Netflix®. Adapted for health communications, these technologies will come to anticipate the user's needs.

Organizations can use their own communication tools to help point employees to these valuable, self-help resources. They can encourage employees to ask more questions, understand more options, and develop more opinions. Employees will be empowered "as needed," with information that makes them wiser consumers of health care.

Sander Domaszewicz, principal and lead of health consumerism at Mercer, Washington D.C., encourages employees to ask the following questions b


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