Penny of Top Hill Trail

Penny of Top Hill Trail


(1 Review)
Penny of Top Hill Trail by Belle Kanaris Maniates







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Penny of Top Hill Trail


(1 Review)
You who like mystery stories--and who doesn't?--will find in Penny of the Top Hill Trail a mystery which grows more and more mysterious as the story goes on. You will find, besides, a rollicking tale of adventure--a heroine who strikes a new note in heroines--and a recital of Loves Young Dream that is sheer romance.

Book Excerpt

r, and the other kids got hold of it and of course you know what it does to any one to get a black eye. She had the name of a thief wished on her until she got to be one. She was expelled from school; put in a reformatory; ran away; stole to keep herself alive. Then they all took a hand at her--ministers, society girls, charitable associations; they gave her a bum steer and made her feel she was a hopeless outcast, so she felt more at home with the vagrant class. The only person who had ever made her feel she wanted to be straight was a Salvation Army woman, but she had gone away and no one was left to care now.

"I didn't let her go any further. I told her I cared and I cared all the more since I had heard her story; and that she was honest, or she wouldn't have told me about herself. What did I care what she had been or done? Her life was going to begin right then with me. I couldn't budge her. I talked and pleaded, and at last she gave in--a little. She said she'd think it over and


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