A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller

A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller
Written by Himself, Third Part


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A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller by George Müller







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A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller
Written by Himself, Third Part


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Book Excerpt

I become surety, the amount of money, for which I become responsible, must be so in my power, that I am able to produce it whenever it is called for, in order that the name of the Lord may not be dishonoured. 4. But if there be the possibility of having to fulfill the engagements of the person in whose stead I have to stand, is it the will of the Lord, that I should spend my means in that way? Is it not rather His will that my means should be spent in another way? 5. How can I get over the plain word of the Lord, which is to the contrary, even if the first four points could be satisfactorily settled?

This morning (Jan. 13) I had again not one penny in hand for the Orphans, though there was enough for today at the Orphan-Houses, as I had sent yesterday sufficient for two days. The little stock being exhausted, I had been led to the Lord in prayer for fresh supplies, when soon afterwards a brother called on me, who stated, that, in considering the necessities of the poor, on account of the cold season, t


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