Burned Bridges

Burned Bridges


(1 Review)
Burned Bridges by Bertrand W. Sinclair







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Burned Bridges


(1 Review)
Despite the heat of a summer noon, Wesley Thompson wears his high clerical collar and his hot clerical coat when he is paddled in a canoe into the Canadian wilderness around Lone Moose Creek. It would not be dignified to discard either, thinks this young missionary, "called" from the theological seminary and the adoration of his spinster aunts to minister to the spiritual needs of the Cree Indians. But that is only what he is like at the beginning of the six decisive years of his history; for at Lone Moose he meets beautiful Sophie Carr and other realities of life not so lovely.Sophie, thank heavens, is no wild-wood flower miraculously developed in the last three chapters into a cultured woman, fit companion for the man of her choice. She is well and widely read and uses that trained, clever head of hers, which checks her warm, emotional nature.

Book Excerpt

cally the first young, attractive white man you've ever met, the very first possibility as a lover. Tommy's a nice boy, a pleasant, sunny-natured young fellow. Personally he's just the sort of fellow that would sweep a simple country girl clean off her feet. With you, your mind, as you just put it, acts as a brake on your feelings. Can't you guess why?"

"No," she said quietly. "I can't. I don't understand myself and my shifts of feeling. It makes me miserable."

"Look here, Sophie girl," Carr reached over and taking her by the hand drew her up on the low arm of his chair, "you're asking yourself a more or less important question directly, and you're asking it of me indirectly. Maybe I can help you. At least I can tell how I see it. You have all your life before you. You want to be happy. That's a universal human attribute. Sometime or other you're going to mate with a man. That too is a universal experience. Ordinary mating is based on sex instinct. Love is mostly an emotional disturbance generated by na


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Very strong characters who tell a story of how a young missionary become disillusioned when he faces reality in the Canadian Woods. He experience hardships and rejection and eventually becomes man enough to win the love of a free thinking heroine. Not really a coming of age book but an evolution of character. Good read!