The Land of Footprints

The Land of Footprints


(1 Review)
The Land of Footprints by Stewart Edward White





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The Land of Footprints


(1 Review)
Hunting adventures in British East Africa.

Book Excerpt

e, broken, sharp, tumbled, terrible, tier after tier, gorge after gorge, one twisted range after the other, across a breathlessly immeasurable distance. The prospect was full of shadows thrown by the tumult of lava. In those shadows one imagined stranger abysses. Far down to the right a long narrow lake inaugurated a flatter, alkali-whitened country of low cliffs in long straight lines. Across the distances proper to a dozen horizons the tumbled chaos heaved and fell. The eye sought rest at the bounds usual to its accustomed world-and went on. There was no roundness to the earth, no grateful curve to drop this great fierce country beyond a healing horizon out of sight. The immensity of primal space was in it, and the simplicity of primal things-rough, unfinished, full of mystery. There was no colour. The scene was done in slate gray, darkening to the opaque where a tiny distant rain squall started; lightening in the nearer shadows to reveal half-guessed peaks; brightening unexpectedly into broad short bands o


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Stewart Edward White was, in his time, a very popular writer of fiction and non-fiction. Although known more today for his odd metaphysical books written toward the end of his life, his earlier works remain delicious reading. White's style, especially in the non-fiction works, and even more so in works that deal with hunting and the outdoors, is casual, comfortable, conversational.

LAND OF FOOTPRINTS is one of White's several African safari books and describes several months in the bush. Although I have read his books for years, this was the first on my new Kindle and the first of his hunting books. I'm not a trophy hunter and this is a book about trophy hunting, but it was charming even so. His description of how he and his wife Billy and a couple of other white guys got along with fifty or so Africans is fascinating.

This is a great book for anybody who likes to hunt or who contimplates a trip to Africa for any kind of wilderness experience. It's also interesting for the discussion of white/black relations on safari one-hundred years ago.

Although not currently available on ManyBooks, I highly recommend THE CABIN and CAMP AND TRAIL to any reader who wants to know more about the origins of popular wilderness recreation.