Camp and Trail

Camp and Trail


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Camp and Trail by Stewart Edward White





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Camp and Trail


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The boiled-down results of Mr White's out-of-door experiences in the form of advice to woodmen and amateur campers. The experienced camper, having set prejudices of his own, may dispute some of Mr White's dogmatisms, but the inexperienced will not go far astray in following his advice. The book is not a complete manual like Kephart's Camping and woodcraft, and not in pocket form, but excellent as far as it goes. Originally published in the Outing magazine.

Book Excerpt

llustration: On the Trail]

[Sidenote: A Forest Fire]

But at this moment a Ranger dashed up with news of a forest fire over in the Rock Creek country. The Rangers present immediately scattered for their saddle horses, while I took a pack and went in search of supplies.

Shortly after one o'clock I was organized, and departed on the trail of the Rangers. They had struck over the ridge, and down the other side of the mountains. Their tracks were easy to follow, and once atop the divide I could see the flames and smoke of the fire over the next mountain system. Desiring to arrive before dark, I pushed ahead as rapidly as possible. About half way down the mountain I made out dust ahead.

"A messenger coming back for something," thought I.

In ten minutes I was stricken dumb to overtake the Jones party plodding trustingly along in the tracks made by the Rangers.

"Well," I greeted them, "what are you doing over here? A little off your beat, aren't you?"

The members of th


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